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"The next generation 3D Optical coherence tomography system. It is a noninvasive, noncontact, transpupillary imaging technology, with ultra-high speed 27,000 axial scans per second which allow 50 times faster data acquisition in practice and high-resolution 5-µm axial and 15-µm transverse resolution in tissue. Fourier domain OCT technology allows the systems advanced clinical protocols to be used for ocular examination with greater resolution and clarity.

The OCT uses light waves to make a map of the retina, anterior chamber, cornea to show up any damaged areas. It uses an optical principle known as low coherence interferometry to scan across the targeted eye structure and generate an image of the same.

The procedure requires you to sit in front of the OCT machine and place your chin on chin rest and forehead touching the head support. You are required to focus at a given target and keep your eye still while the scan is being performed.

The layers within the retina can be differentiated and the retinal thickness can be measured. Also, the change from the previous visit, the effect of treatment can be analyzed.

The optic disc and nerve fiber layer can be assessed and guided progression analysis provides valuable information in the management of Glaucoma "